Bill Wagner's - The Entrepreneur Next Door
Social Skills Test

88 questions, 35 min
Part 1 of 5

  1. People tell me that I have an uncanny ability to guess what they are feeling.

    Often true
    Sometimes true
    Rarely true
    Never true

  2. I get so caught up in what I have to say that I don't notice the reactions of my listeners.

    Often true
    Sometimes true
    Rarely true
    Never true

  3. People tell me that I am clueless about things that are going on right under my nose.

    Often true
    Sometimes true
    Rarely true
    Never true

  4. I make sure that my closest friends know that they are important to me.

    Often true
    Sometimes true
    Rarely true
    Never true

  5. When I talk to someone, I try to put myself in his/her shoes.

    Always true
    Often true
    Sometimes true
    Rarely true
    Never true

  6. I say or do insensitive things that upset my friends/co-workers.

    Often true
    Sometimes true
    Rarely true
    Never true

  7. I know all the important information about what is happening in my group of friends.

    Often true
    Sometimes true
    Rarely true
    Never true

  8. When I am speaking with someone, I make eye contact.

    True - I maintain constant eye contact.
    True - I make eye contact often.
    True - I make eye contact from time to time.
    False - I feel uncomfortable making eye contact with others.

  9. There are times when I really need my friends.

    True - I always seem to be in need of support.
    True - I rely on my support network from time to time.
    False - I am completely self-sufficient.
    False - I don't have any friends I can rely upon.

  10. If I were at a party and saw two people I knew standing in the corner and talking quietly, I would approach them.

    Very likely
    Somewhat likely
    Somewhat unlikely
    Mostly unlikely
    Very unlikely

  11. My facial expressions generally mirror the situation, i.e., at a serious meeting I smile less often than when I am out with friends.

    Completely true
    Mostly true
    Somewhat true/somewhat false
    Mostly false
    Completely false

  12. I would rather bite my tongue than start a conflict.

    Always true
    Often true
    Sometimes true
    Rarely true
    Never true

  13. I feel the need to defend myself when I am being criticized.

    Always true
    Often true
    Sometimes true
    Rarely true
    Never true

  14. I tend to withdraw from people.

    Always true
    Often true
    Sometimes true
    Rarely true
    Never true

  15. I accept the people close to me for who they are, flaws and all.

    Always true
    Often true
    Sometimes true
    Rarely true
    Never true

  16. When I am wrong, I am not afraid to admit it.

    Always true
    Often true
    Sometimes true
    Rarely true
    Never true - admitting a mistake would be a sign of weakness
    I am rarely, if ever, wrong

  17. I am at ease with people I don't know.

    Always true
    Often true
    Sometimes true
    Rarely true
    Never true

  18. No matter how busy I am, I will make time for a friend in need.

    Always true
    Often true
    Sometimes true
    Rarely true
    Never true

  19. People tell me that I jump to conclusions.

    Always true
    Often true
    Sometimes true
    Rarely true
    Never true

  20. I am able to forgive transgressions on the part of others if there was no harm intended, i.e., when a friend stands me up for dinner by mistake or there is a misunderstanding.

    Always true
    Often true
    Sometimes true
    Rarely true
    Never true


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